Northumberland County Show/Tynedale Agricultural Society 3/6/2022
Pastoral breeds & group
My thanks to everyone for your entries. Most were well presented in good clean condition but some would have benefited from a decent grooming session. Mouths/bites were mostly (though not all) OK but some where teeth need attention. Thankfully no temperament issues.
Australian Shepherd Dog Open (2, 1 abs)
1st Turnbull & Clegram’s Ch Jenkova To The Other Side.
3 y/o red tri B. What a super start to the day! Beautifully balanced and typey with an attractive head and expression, she certainly makes an excellent first impression and doesn’t disappoint when going over her. Feminine head with correct eyes and ears, clean strong neck into well-laid shoulders, level topline and balanced hindquarters. Good body and chest development with strong legs and neat feet. She has lovely bone and substance yet retains her femininity. Presented in top form and an absolute pleasure to watch her free and easy movement where she was foot perfect from all directions. BOB & Group 1.
Belgian Shepherd Groenendael Open (4, 1 abs)
1st Donaldson’s Fivante Love of The Love.
17 month B. Excellent feminine head with lovely dark eyes and typical expression, good length of neck, correct shoulders and upper arm and balanced rear. Good width of forechest, still a little maturing to do in ribbing but that should come with age. Good bone without being overdone and retains a look of elegance. Correct length of leg and body proportions present a balanced outline. Shown in excellent condition. Still lacking in experience, she was a little unsettled on the move today but did manage on occasion to show the correct brisk stride. BOB.
2nd Turnbull’s Xanova Black Magic At Jenkova.
7 y/o B. Slightly stronger though still feminine head with correct dark eyes, neat ears and a sweet expression. Correct neck, well laid shoulders but upper arm could be a little longer and better angled. Good length of foreleg, though a bit steep in pasterns. Good chest, body, ribbing and proportions, although coat over croup detracts slightly and makes her look a little bum-high in outline. Correct rear. Good side gait but a little erratic at times away and back today.
3rd Lawless & Donaldson’s Ch/Ir Ch Revloch Celebrity Status JW ShCm VW
Belgian Shepherd Tervueren Open (2)
1st Arkley’s Domberg On My Mind.
2.5 y/o D. Masculine head with correct planes, medium dark eyes and correct ears. Good length of neck, balanced front and rear, correct length of foreleg, chest depth and body proportions combine to present a typical outline. On the move he shows the required typical brisk action and is straight coming and going. BOB.
2nd Smith’s Xanova Touch Of Grey.
Almost 7 y/o D. Attractive masculine head with dark expressive eyes and neat ears. Just about enough neck, well laid shoulders and upper arm, good chest depth and length of foreleg with correct slope to pasterns. Ultra compact in outline and his well angulated hindquarters produce just a little too much drive on the move which results in him over-reaching. OK away and back. Shown in good coat and condition and nicely handled.
Bearded Collie Graduate (3, 1 abs)
1st Peirson’s Kiltondale Cinderelli.
9 months B. Beautiful puppy full of quality and confidence and so much to like about her. Lovely feminine head with a most appealing typical expression, correct neck, level topline and correctly set and carried tail. Well angulated fore and rear, good length of leg and correct slope to pasterns, she presents an eye-catching picture of balance and type. On the move her side gait is excellent, though still just a little close away and back today which should improve as she matures and fills out. Very promising puppy and one to watch with interest. BPIB & Puppy Group 1
2nd Leckenby & Alexander’s Kiltondale Cherokee.
19 months D. Happy outgoing youngster of lovely type who looks a picture in stance but couldn’t quite match 1 in movement or expression today
Bearded Collie Open (4, 1 abs)
1st Peirson’s Denters Whirlwinds Broadway Baby JW (Imp Deu).
5 y/o B shown in full bloom. Another with the most attractive feminine head with a melting expression, lovely eyes, correct ear set and good mouth. Strong neck, good shoulders and deep chest, firm topline and strong rear. Correct legs and feet. Moved with such ease her side gait was lovely to watch, and equally clean away and back. BOB & Group 2.
2nd Leckenby’s Kiltondale Chicago Flame JW.
3.5 y/o D. Excellent quality male who also has a lovely head and is very well constructed under the coat. Very much a case of nit-picking between these two but just preferred 1 in side gait today. Otherwise, many of the same comments apply.
3rd Leckenby’s Kiltondale Amarillo Star
Border Collie Junior (no entries)
Border Collie Graduate (no entries)
Border Collie Open (4, 2 abs)
1st Bell’s Janbell Fifty Shades.
5 y/o bl merle D. Masculine head with typical expression, good neck into firm topline and correct tailset. Not a flashy dog but he is very sound and workmanlike in build with a very free and easy gait that looked as if he could keep going all day. BOB.
2nd Bell’s Janbell What A Blinder.
2 y/o black & white. Heavier built than 1 with a stronger masculine head and attractive dark eyes. Arched well-muscled neck, firm topline and correct tailset. Balanced angulation and strong straight legs and good feet. Unfortunately, he was enjoying playing his handler up on the move so was quite untidy in this respect and this cost him the class.
GSD Graduate (2, 1 abs)
1st Cave’s Casiann Ate.
18.5 months B&G B of medium bone and substance. Strong feminine head with good skull to muzzle balance and correct bite, her eyes could be a shade darker and her ears a touch smaller. Correct length of neck, shoulder OK but a little short and steep in upper arm. Good chest development with correct length of foreleg, good pasterns and feet though nails could be a little tidier. Firm topline, croup could be longer and better laid, correct hind assembly and firm hocks. She displays a powerful side gait, correct coming towards and just slightly close going away. BOB.
GSD Open (2, 1 abs)
1st Towning’s Zandamor Dax.
3 y/o rich black and red longcoat D. Attractive male who presents a very correct picture in stance with his lovely masculine head with dark eyes, correct ears and dentition. Clean neck into correct firm topline with well moulded croup and correct tailset. Correct front and rear assembly, and correct chest depth to foreleg ratio. Excellent side gait and OK coming towards but hocks need to be much firmer going away which cost him BOB. A shame as I did like him a lot.
Hungarian Puli Open (2)
1st McBeth’s Maclaurien Maggie May.
10 months old black litter sisters. Both of them typey with coats coming in as they should. Good heads, correct mouths and pigment, good necks and body development and both shown in excellent condition. 1 was far more settled both on the table and on the move and she moved soundly in all directions. BOB, BPIB & Puppy Group 2.
2nd McBeth’s Maclaurien Georgie Girl
On the smaller side, and whilst she shares many of her sister’s virtues and is more compact in outline, she is currently rather more reserved as well as being quite erratic on the move where she persisted in hopping most of the time going away.
Old English Sheepdog Open (4, 3 abs)
1st Laybourne & Johnson’s Mellowdee Patsu’s Spirit In Dominoesdale.
5 y/o B presented in lovely coat and condition. Correct in substance and outline, nicely bodied up and with good chest, brisket and ribbing. Balanced angulation and strong straight legs. Not too easy to assess movement here as she was moved a little slowly but a change of handler in the group ring demonstrated typical action.
Pyrenean Mountain Dog Graduate (2)
1st Holmes’ Lisjovia Hanky Panky. B.
2nd Holmes’ Lisjovia Harvey Wall Banger. D.
13 month litter mates with understandably a lot of developing to do in both head and body but both looking promising so far. Both present a typical outline with a fairly short neck, level topline into slightly sloping croup and are substantial with strong bone. Today I just preferred the slightly freer movement and expression of 1 so it will be interesting to see how they mature.
Pyrenean Mountain Dog Open (3)
1st Holmes’ Lisjovia Sign Of The Times.
Almost 2 y/o D. Another very nicely constructed young lad from this kennel. Lovely head with attractive expression, correct neck, level back. Very good front angulation with strong well-boned legs and good feet and pasterns. Enough balance in rear to produce good movement which just nudged him to the front of the class. BOB.
2nd Holmes’ Ch Lisjovia Estevez JW ShCM ShCex.
5.5 y/o D who really impressed for his lovely size and substance, balanced construction and attractive masculine head. Unfortunately, he was just a little sluggish on the move today.
3rd Holmes’ Lisjovia Takahashi JW ShCM
Pyrenean Sheepdog Open (no entries)
Rough Collie Junior (no entries)
Rough Collie Open (3)
1st Donaldson’s Caronlea Celtic Traveller With Fivante.
2 y/o sable & white D shown in excellent coat and condition. Excellent and very typical masculine head with attractive dark eyes and a correct bite. Arched muscular neck, firm back, deep chest and well sprung ribs. Good balance of proportions and of fore and hind angulation produce a pleasing outline. Lovely temperament and sound effortless movement. BOB & Group 3.
2nd Brand & Reid’s Ronansprey Rumour Has It JW ShCM.
9 y/o bl merle D. Another in excellent coat and condition and certainly belying her age. Attractive feminine head with a sweet expression, she too is very nicely constructed and well balanced. Sound steady movement but not quite able to match 1 today.
3rd Brand & Reid’s Ronansprey Reflections Of
Samoyed Open (1, 1 abs)
Shetland Sheepdog Junior
1st Smith’s Fenstyle Never Say Never.
1y/o blue merle D. Dark eyes, excellent pigment and a correct bite. This lightly built youngster still has a bit of maturing to do in body with chest still to fill out and this is apparent in front movement when coming towards you but side gait and going away are OK.
Shetland Sheepdog Graduate
1st Clegram’s Smiddyshaw Handful Of Stars.
3 y/o sable/white B presented in excellent condition. Attractive, balanced feminine head and expressive dark eyes set off by excellent pigment. Muscular arched neck, firm level topline, correct croup and tailset, nice deep chest and well sprung ribs. Good length and lay of shoulders and upper arm providing correct forehand angles and positioning of the nicely boned forelegs, and balanced rear completes the picture for a pleasing outline which she retains on the move. Straight coming and going and demonstrates an excellent smooth fluent side gait. BOB & Group 4.
2nd Malone’s Pathaaron After The Storm.
2 y/o tri D with rich tan markings. Really liked his attractive elegant head with a most appealing soft expression, beautiful dark eyes and neat ears. Good strength and arch to neck, correct topline, body, croup and tailset. Good bone and decent rear angulation. Didn’t quite match 1 in front angulation or front movement in side gait but moved straight away and back.
3rd Fawcett’s Northern Pride For Ronsdale
Shetland Sheepdog Open
1st Clegram’s Smiddyshaw Relight My Fire ShCM VW.
11 y/o tri B in lovely condition for her age. Correct feminine head with a sweet expression, good neck, body and tailset. Good bone and balanced angulation, just showing her age a little in her pasterns. Lovely side gait and coming back, just a little close going away.
AV Import Register Puppy (no entries)
AV Import Register Open (no entries)
AVNSC Puppy (no entries)
AVNSC Open (4, 3 abs)
1st Reay’s Saniaquinto Fly By Magic At Jacquielas.
Almost 3 y/o R/W Pem Corgi D. Happy lad of good type who was shown in good body condition but just losing coat today. Masculine head with medium dark eye, correct ears and correct bite. Broad well let down chest, good ribbing and level topline. Good bone and angulation and moved with drive.
Group 1 Turnbull & Clegram’s Ch Jenkova To The Other Side
Group 2 Peirson’s Denters Whirlwinds Broadway Baby JW (Imp Deu)
Group 3 Donaldson’s Caronlea Celtic Traveller With Fivante
Group 4 Clegram’s Smiddyshaw Handful Of Stars
Puppy Group 1 Peirson’s Kiltondale Cinderelli
Puppy Group 2 McBeth’s Maclaurien Maggie May
AV Pastoral Puppy (2, 2 abs)
AV Pastoral Open (4, 2 abs)
1st Arkley’s Domberg On My Mind
2nd Reay’s Saniaquinto Fly By Magic At Jacquielas
AV Pastoral Veteran (11, 4 abs)
1st Malone’s Carmeva Caymen ShCM ShCex.
9 y/o Sable/W Shetland Sheepdog presented in excellent coat and finish. Super head and typical sweet expression, lovely dark eyes, neat ears and correct mouth. Elegant neck, level topline and clean lines to croup and tailset. Correct chest depth and ribbing, good bone legs and feet. Nicely angled front and rear and moves soundly from all directions. A super veteran who very much belies his age.
2nd Brand & Reid’s Ronansprey Rumour Has It JW ShCM
3rd Holmes’ Lisjovia Slick As A Whistle
Res Clegram’s Smiddyshaw Relight My Fire ShCM VW
Judge - Nicky Garbutt (Nixtev)